Friday, February 13, 2009

It seems that Congress shares my study habits...and that's freakin' scary.

The situation with this "stimulus" bill just keeps getting better.

Did I say "better"? Because I meant ridiculous to the point of outrage.

Remember Obama's pledge to make sure that any bill he signed will be given five days so that we, the People, have a chance to look it over ourselves? Apparently he doesn't. And even the Dems in Congress don't seem to be able to keep their promise of having this new bill available online 48 hours before the vote. It was finally posted last night at 11pm. The vote was scheduled this morning for 9am. Good try. F for effort.

You can read some details here.

The scary thing is that our Congress is now voting to spend hundreds of billions of dollars without even knowing all of the details. How do I know that? First, no one can read and retain over 1,000 pages and have a good enough grasp on it to give an educated vote in only ten hours, especially when they are hopefully sleeping during some of those hours.

Second, that's exactly what members of Congress are saying themselves.

This is so mind-blowingly...something...I can't even find words.

Oh, and Chuck Schumer is a douche.

Do you care? I care. Let them know.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Rove thinks Barry and Co. are winging it so far....I have yet to find a reason to disagree with him.