Monday, July 2, 2007

Oh, this world of ours

We've all heard about how malaria is killing people by the millions around the world and ravaging communities and economies, mostly in Africa. And we've heard about how us people of the West have eradicated the disease by use of the wonderful pesticide known as DDT. So you've probably also heard that thanks to people like Rachel Carson, it's use has been restricted because they had "findings" that stated how bad it was for the ecosystems and did more harm than good, etc.

But I bet you didn't hear about how we now know how very WRONG Carson was. Really. So while her ilk have falsely convinced us that the use of DDT is an abomination, millions of people have died from malaria while we refused to use our best defense against it.

And it is effective. Very effective. Did I mention we don't have malaria problems in the US anymore? Well, thank your good pal, DDT.

Now, am I saying that Ms. Carson is responsible for all these deaths because she misled people into banning the use of our best defense? Well...

Now some still say it does have proven adverse effects on the environment. Also tends to be bothersome to some birds, or something. And yes, that's bad. But you know what else is bad? LETTING 300 MILLION PEOPLE DIE FROM SOMETHING THAT IS EXTREMELY PREVENTABLE.

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