Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Counting the ways

You know how earlier I promised to never be a Democrat? Well, now I am giving you permission to shoot me if I ever do.

"What are they up to now?" you may ask. Well, I'm glad you did.

They are trying to censure a private citizen for saying something that they don't like. What's worse, they even took what he said out of context. It wasn't actually bad at all.

Many of you are probably going to have at least some sympathy for the man, or at least until I tell you his name: Rush Limbaugh.

Now, whether or not you agree with or even like the man, you have got to admit that it is very frightening to know that your own Congress, the people (some of) YOU elected to represent you, would be ok with censuring you, a private citizen with free speech rights, for saying something that they don't like. And they accuse Bush of ignoring the Constitution? Anyone else reminded of 1984 and Big Brother? "Newspeak?"

You can read the story here:
Ken Salazar says he'd censure Limbaugh

So if they're doing this to a man who supposedly said this about only some of the soldiers, why no action being taken against all the radio hosts and other private citizens, who must number in the multiple thousands, who go so far as calling all of them things like "murderers?"

It's also great knowing that they'd rather waste their time on this than actually get anything important done. But they haven't shown that they like to actually accomplish things. Just look at what Pelosi promised for their first 100 days, and the none of it they accomplished. And remember what the Dems said that they won the Congress for back in '06? To get the troops out of Iraq. How's that goin?

Maybe this is why Congress has a lower approval rating than Bush.

Seriously, someone needs to be censured. And it's not a private citizen.

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