Friday, May 2, 2008

Reason #32

Alright, I'm back. Sorry about not updating like I said, but evenings actually turned out to be eventful in St. Louis. The others in training were pretty cool, and we ended up at least going out for dinner every night.

The company treated us very well. I mentioned the airfare, hotel, and food. But then there was the free limo to take us anywhere in town on Wednesday night.

And it was a Hummer limo.

So training went well, and so has my first week of work. I'm pretty sore, though, from all the setting up and whatnot.

But now something else. UCC is advertising something called Vote Out Poverty. Now, I think the intentions here are fantastic. Poverty sucks, and we need to do something about it. It's good that awareness is being raised by things like this. But I have also been informed that this isn't just a liberal or conservative thing, but is bipartisan or whatever.


Really. So tell me exactly how many conservatives you know, or even libertarians and such, who choose to overcome poverty by voting it out, no doubt for certain government programs and raised taxes and whatnot.

Here's how a conservative would vote out poverty: vote for people that will stop taking our money. And I sincerely doubt that that will be the method this initiative will advocate.

And this goes back to a discussion that I've had too often. Just because Republicans don't want to use government to eradicate poverty it doesn't mean that we don't want it eradicated. Cos honestly, I see "voting out poverty" as the lazy (and more expensive) approach.

But again, at least we're talking about it and not just ignoring it.


Andy said...

They "vote it out" because then they can go back and tell their peoples that they "did something" and then the idiots continue to reelect them.

Anonymous said...

I love Democrats!

Andy said...,2933,353944,00.html

Good 'ole UN. The story is from FOX so I know it's 100% true.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy... what is the answer then? How would one REALLY go about eradicating poverty? Isn't the republican party mainly the ones who benefit from the exploitation of poor people? Just ruffling some feathers over here...

Andy said...

Tommy said...

Oh, wow. My feathers have never before been so ruffled. I must look a mess.

But seriously, don't try to tell me that Republicans are the only ones who benefit from exploiting the poor. Some exploit for money, others for votes.

And I could go into detail to answer your questions, but I won't, and for 2 reasons:

1. This is just a comment, and these issues would be better suited for an entire entry (being even longer than this response).

2. If someone isn't even going to put forth the effort of signing their name to their words, I'm not going to go to any special effort to answer them to their satisfaction.

Andy said...

I always put my name and that's for damn sure. Never mind I'm not actually saying anything. Now I drink your milkshake.

Jenny N said...

ooh, hummer limo!? Where did you go?

Also, I miss Steph and Tommy. I never see them.

Tommy said...

We went to the arch, but not in it. Then we went to this area called University Loop, which had a bunch of restaurants and bars and such.

We miss you, too. We'll have to fix that.