Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Obama hates your grandmother

Another thing about the government and oil companies. They want to raise taxes on "Big Oil." And a lot of people who don't really think this stuff through think it's a grand idea; a good way to stick it to those oil fat cats.

But do you know who this will really hurt? Do you know where those taxes will come from? No, not the big guys at the top. It will come out of things like pensions and investments that people have in the companies, people like elderly retired folks - like your grandmother, perhaps.

Nevermind how much more it will raise pump prices for EVERYBODY (which still includes your grandmother).

It's like how people like to pirate music and movies to stick it to the big record companies and Hollywood moguls. Do you actually think for a second that the execs are looking at the loss of revenue and saying to themselvs, "Golly, with all of this money we're loosing, I had better take some out of my salary to teach myself a lesson for being so greedy."


No, it usually goes a little more like this: "Ok, what low-level people who live paycheck to paycheck can we lay off by the boatload?"

People need to realize how much we all are connected to that damned "wealthiest 1%."

See, when you give tax breaks to the guys at the top, it is impossible for it to effect them only. Think about it: who gives poor people jobs? Other poor people? No, middle- and upper-class people. And what do those people need in order to hire more people? They need more money.

Can we still give tax breaks to lower-class people? It'd be swell, cos I like tax breaks for everybody. But they don't really pay much (if any) to begin with, so it'd be pretty difficult.

You say the poor people still are paying too much and aren't receiving enough help from the government? Well, send them to the Church. After all, it is our personal responsibility to take care of all those in need, right?



Andy said...

"John McCain's plan to simply drill our way out of our energy crisis is the same misguided approach backed by President Bush that has failed our families for too long and only serves to benefit the big oil companies," Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan said.

Nevermind the increase in job growth that would come of more drilling which would be good for families, you know, the "little people", the "have-nots"

Tommy said...

And another thing: how could it have "failed our families" when it hasn't even happened?

Maybe that's how.