Thursday, June 19, 2008

We can do it! We have the technology!

Alright, one more thing (for now) about this oil business. One of the chief complaints that Obama and his ilk have against drilling here and drilling now is that it would still take about 5 years for it to affect gas prices. That may be true, but it begs a few questions:

One, then why didn't we start doing this at least 5 years ago? And in another 5 years, when gas is $10 or more a gallon, we'll wish we had started now. Just think: if Bill Clinton had let us do it back in his Presidency instead of keeping the ban going, it would have affected prices by now, and we'd be much better off.

Two, can you name me another idea that WILL affect prices immediately? Seems to be that the only one that some have does indeed affect prices pretty quickly, but in the wrong way. That idea would be raising windfall profit taxes on oil companies.


People, this is really simple, so pay attention: the more you tax the production of something, the less production you will get.


1 comment:

Andy said...

There's something else that Clinton actually could've done at least twice during his presidency that would've been pretty good for us......capturing bin Laden. I think it's safe to say that would've gone pretty well for us.