Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama may be more unqualified than we thought.

As in Constitutionally unqualified.

You should all remember from your civics and government classes that in order to be President of the United States of America, you must be a natural born citizen. Well, it turns out that Barack Obama, or Barry Soetoro, may not be.

I know, I'm not much for conspiracy theories either. But this is very interesting and deserves a look. And you probably will not be seeing this on the news very much. It also makes our beloved look not so clean.

And here's the guy's website for more info:


Andy said...

Christmas is part of the winternal solenox. Not autumn. Gosh you're dumb

Tommy said...

It's satire, Mr. Already-sent-Christmas-list-to-people-and-it's-not-even-freaking-Halloween-yet.

Matt said...

Finally a Dem who puts the integrity of our founding principles above party loyalty. Can I get an Amen?! I think to run for President an individual should be required to show proof of natural born citizenship and pass an FBI background check. Did you know that because of his associations with shady characters, Obama is not fit to work for the FBI? So why is it perfectly legal to elect him and hand him the nuclear football (national defense lingo)? A related logic error; I recently tried to apply for a library card and register to vote at the same time. I was required to show more personal identification documents to get the library card than to register to vote. I left without the card, but good news, I can vote. I can also illegally vote again in Clermont county if I so choose, as I am still registered there. But despair not! My library priveleges are secure. Well, once I provide proper documentation that is. Ah America. Land of the free, home of the disenfranchised.

Tommy said...


Anonymous said...

I was bored.

Anonymous said...

This is dumber than the swiftboats and memogate combined.

Okay, so that was hyberbole. It is as dumb as either individually. If there was anything to it, we would already know. The thing is, all someone would have to do is go to Hawaii's Dept. of Vital stats and see if Obama's birth certificate is on file. Which, I'm sure it has been done.

Tommy said...

In general, I have to disagree with the assertion that we would already know if there was anything to it. There are so many seemingly important things that nobody really knew about, or at least were told. Anyone remember the UN Oil for Food scandal? Largest scandal monetarily in history? Probably not. No one really talked about it. But it definitely happened, and it was huge.

All I know is that Obama has failed to produce anything significant in his defense. And if he's clean, why not? That's all. I certainly don't expect this to go anywhere. It's just pretty interesting.

Andy said...

My supermarket is now carrying the winter classics box....I'm very excited. After a long time I can have my Winter Lager and Capn Crunch N Crunch Berries again!!!!

Tommy said...

Cuz you and the Capn make it happen...with booze!

Andy said...

Finally watched the video. Guy doesn't seem crazy and def sounds like something worth taking a look at.....but I'm just part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy/Attack Machine so what do I know.

Tommy said...

Oh, and the Governor of Hawaii has prohibited access to Obama's birth records, so going to the public file to check isn't allowed.