Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Aforementioned earned complaining

Ok, maybe not that bad.

Anyway, I just sincerely hope that I am wrong about Obama. I really do.

But this is a historic night. We have elected our nation's first half-white President.

...You did know that, right? Obama is just as much white as he is black. But, for some reason, as long as you are darker than a reasonable tan, you're black in this country. Any amount of whiteness in there doesn't count.

But they're calling him our first black President. And do I care? No. I don't care what colour he is, I don't trust him to lead our country. Again, I hope I'm wrong.

Bush gave us our first (and second) black Secretary of State, but no one cares. They "sold out." Which, I suppose, is code for "thought for themselves." Sound harsh? Not as harsh as those who called them names like "house negro."

I've said it before, so it's not just bitterness after what happened tonight. I honestly do not think that Obama would have gone anywhere if he was white. Or without teleprompters.

Anyway, that's enough of that. Time to look forward.

Palin/Jindal '12!


Jenny N said...

"I honestly do not think that Obama would have gone anywhere if he was white. Or without teleprompters."

amen. kind of sad, isn't it?

Jenny N said...

But! We can rest on the fact of putting it in God's hands.

Tommy said...

And an amen to that, as well. Thanks, Jenny.

Anonymous said...

You are so right Tommy, about him being the first half-white president. Good point!
~sara n

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that in the days of segregation and slavery, half white-half black meant that he was black.

It is a big deal. Just a few years ago he couldn't have run or voted. 150 years ago he could have been bought and sold as property. Today, he can and will be President.

Which, of course, doesn't solve a lot of the problems we are about to face. Rather, it's an amzaing indication of where we have come as a country. It is a big moment.

If you don't like him policy-wise, fine. But, there's a cool story in there somewhere.

Andy said...

I prefer Jindal/Palin. Don't forget about 2010.

Tommy said...

I only bring up the half-white thing because it's interesting. Like how he doesn't have any slave ancestors, but he does have slave-owning ancestors. So, if reparations are required, will he have to pay? Just interesting stuff.

I fully realize and appreciate that what he accomplished was not always possible. But it didn't just become possible last night. It has been possible for some time now. I didn't need him being elected to tell me that it's possible. People are acting like Obama himself broke that barrier. It was broken by people like Martin Luther King, Jr. years ago. Obama just happened to be the first one to walk through in this particular aspect. The real accomplishment already happened, and now we have a historically symbolic event.

I'm just more concerned about how my country will be run than any symbolic event, no matter how cool the symbolism is.

Anonymous said...

While I agree that the media and everyone needs to calm down and accept that we have a bi-racial president, I think our country still thinks dark pigment = black anyway.

Think of it like this:
8 oz mug of hot milk + 8 oz of chocolate syrup = hot chocolate.

In reality, it's hot chocolate milk, but no one calls it that.