Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Fairness Doctrine: Introduction

The Fairness Doctrine was/is a horrible idea. Leftists are calling for its reinstatement. This has me quite concerned.

But before I launch into my views on this, I want to give you a chance to inform yourself if you are not familiar with it. And, in the spirit of fairness, I will give you links to both sides of the argument. I am always a big fan of people researching things for themselves, so I'm giving you the chance. (And the FCC didn't even have to lift a finger!)

First, the pro-Fairness Doctrine side: The Fairness Doctrine: How We Lost it, and Why We Need it Back

Now the opposition: Why the Fairness Doctrine is Anything But Fair

Got it? Alright.

I basically oppose the fairness doctrine on three fronts: one, I believe that it allows the government to overstep its boundaries; two, the logistics just don't seem feesible; and three, it's just not necessary.

My arguments in these areas can be summed up thusly: I'm not five, the government isn't God, and have you heard of the internet, respectively.

Now, since my points seem to be quite lengthy as I write them, I have decided to give each argument its own entry. This one's basically an intro to give you an idea of the issue at hand. So, I'd appreciate it if you read them through and let me know what you think!

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