Monday, March 2, 2009

It's a child AND it's making choices

Most of you know that I am vehemently pro-life/anti-choice. But, like most views on important matters that I have held, there were times when I was not so sure. I've had a lot of discussions/arguments and have heard a lot of good points on both sides. I even thought that I had come up with definitive answers for why abortion is always wrong.

That was until I saw my child for the first time on the ultrasound. Now, I know what you're probably thinking. This is going to be another one of those ultra-emotional type arguments you hear from expectant parents just gushing over what a miracle their little unborn baby is. Though, I did feel a little of that. But this is a conclusion that I would come to after seeing any child in the womb.

What I am talking about was actually something that didn't occur to me until we were driving home from the doctor's office. It was actually almost purely cerebral. One of the main talking points you hear from the pro-choice side is how the unborn child is really just a part of the woman's body. This does seem to have some merit on the surface, since it is inside the boundaries of the woman's body and is actually directly connected to it. But what I saw there seemed to be in contradiction to that idea.

What I saw was a little child who was making a lot of movement. Now that probably doesn't sound too profound, since there are all sorts of internal parts of the body that move without the person consciously commanding them to. But the difference here is that the child was moving completely independently of any control from Stephanie's brain or any other part of her, conscious or unconscious. There was no message being sent from Stephanie's brain or any hormones from any glands making that little kid dance the fanciful jig that we saw it dance. Since it was in control of itself, it must be a seperate being. And since its DNA is human, then it must be a seperate human being.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMEN! And Keep on Dancing!