Friday, March 27, 2009

Shock and Amazement

Of all of the possible news outlets, I can't believe that I'm going to The Daily Show to properly explain the whole AIG bonus situation. But, surprisingly enough, they got it pretty close. Perhaps their best investigative reporting ever.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Notorious AIG - Scorn in the USA
Daily Show Full EpisodesEconomic CrisisPolitical Humor

Facebook friends, look here.

The part at 3:14 is important. As is the fact that congress knew about the bonuses and even allowed for them in the bill.

The guy at the top is always an easy target. Think before you accuse. Don't just go on a witch hunt. Sadly, that's what it looks like people are doing. Even though it isn't really helping them out (or solving anything), people just want to watch someone burn. Preferably, someone they are jealous of.

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