Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good enough for government work

Do you know all of the details in the energy tax bill that the House passed the other day? No? It's ok. Neither did they! Apparently, someone thought that it would be cute to submit a 300+ page amendment at 3 in the morning the day it was to be voted on (on top of the 1000+ pages already there). And in Obama's Age of Transparency, no less.

But fear not, my good citizens! There is a man with the audacity to not only read it himself so that he may understand it, but also to expect everyone else voting on it to understand it as well! [gasp!] And no matter how much Waxman may cry about it, he cannot stop...

John Boehner and the Bitchslap of Truth!

As you watch, keep in mind that all of this is ONLY THE AMENDMENT.

1 comment:

B Lamp said...

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