Thursday, February 7, 2008

A meal in a bottle, and they ain't kiddin'.

A couple things that I've done recently:

Seasoned chicken so that it tasted like sausage.

Said to myself, "Touché, memory."

And I feel good about myself.

Oh, and I will be starting a new temp job on Monday in the Perioperative Dept. at University Hospital (not as impressive as it sounds, but still awesome cos it's a job, and not a crappy one). I went in for my pre-screening for that job today. They drew some blood, gave me the first of 2 parts of a TB test, and administered an instant drug test.

The second 2 were quite interesting. To me, anyway. First time I've had to pee in a cup and was not able to produce as much as the lady suggested. But she said it was ok. And it showed the results right on the cup! I love our advanced pee technology!

Then there was the TB test. Now, it's been a long time since I've had one of these. When I was young (holy crap, I'm saying that already - it's like I said: 25 is officially "almost old"), these consisted of poking my arm with a multi-pronged pokey thing (technical term) and if it did anything weird (technical diagnosis), I had TB (I guess - technically).

Sorry. I had a theme going.

Now, those of you who shared my experiences with TB tests would understand my surprise when I sat down and the lady produced NOT a
multi-pronged pokey thing, but a serringe. Then, instead of saying, "I'm going to poke you with this and if your skin does anything weird, you have TB," she said, "I'm going to make your arm bubble."

And so she did. She injected something just under my skin so it made a little bubble, like a blister, then taped gauze over it. She then said, "You can take off the gauze in a few minutes. If that's still bubbly on Sunday, call us."

So now you can imagine my slight confusion. Anyway, I was prepared to have myself a cool little bump for a day or so, since they said wait til Sunday. But just as I removed the gauze about 45 min. later to show Steph my cool new TB-revealing arm bubble, it was gone. So I must REALLY not have TB. That rocks.

Then I drank myself a celebratory Samuel Adams Double Bock.

I have never said, "Wow," so many times (in a good way) while drinking a beer.


Andy said...

Congrats on the job! What will you be doing?

Andy said...

I experienced the White Ale for the first time and was happy.

Tommy said...

Thanks. I'll be doing data entry (wee!)

And good for you.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on rejoining the workforce, for showing TB who's boss, and on your celebratory Sam Adams!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Mac! Now we both work at a University Hospital! That's... something! Sweet. Woot for no TB.

Erik Barnes said...

Eff you, TB! I'll chat w/ you soon, Tommy.

Andy said...

FYI, Sam Adams was the beer of '07 and Coors Light was the Light of '07.

I'm experiencing my first Cherry Wheat and all I can say is...Sweet Moses that's cherry-y. It's like I'm drinking summer in a bottle!

Andy said...

Seriously, it's like a Wild Cherry Capri-Sun!!!

Tommy said...

I have tried it myself. Good cherryness, but bad wheatyness. For me anyway.

I just love me some Scotch Ale.