Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Milestones. Well, half-mile anyway.

So, what does marriage look like after six months? Apparently, something like this:

Spouse A: "I love you."
Spouse B: "What?!?"

Or this:

Spouse A: "But don't worry, I'll be back with a shit load of water. And cleaner teeth."

I'll let you theorize who's who. Kinda fun that way.

So yeah. That's kinda what it's like.

Oh, and brownies.

Yeah, so that's what you single people are missing out on. Needless to say, I highly recommend it.


Anonymous said...


Andy said...


Erik Barnes said...

It's not true. Love isn't never having to say you're sorry. Love is saying "Shave your back, douchebag!" "I'll go back to the store and get it." and "The hell are you talking about?"

Then, sometimes, sex happens.