Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Standing tall and stuff.

People, I'm tired.

I'm tired of all of the fear and scare tactics being used by so many in our government and news media. They tell us that we're all in danger and anyone who disagrees is ostracized and ignored, at best. Those of us who think that we're being lied to are just some "lunatic fringe." And now, based on lies, we are asked to make sacrifices; to change our very lives as we know them. Even the government is taking costly actions for this purpose, and they affect us all. But we are assured that these are necessary sacrifices and that we will be safer, so it's worth it. But again, if we refuse to give in, there are consequences.

I guess they assume that because enough important people say it and if they ignore and don't tell us about dissenting opinion, we will also believe it.

I am, of course, talking about the theory of man-made global warming.

Seems like some people detest these fear tactics in the area of terrorism and national security (which are pretty well proven to be major concerns), but they're suddenly ok with them when talking about man-made global warming (which is still a theory - and not a very good one).

I was reading this article: A Really Inconvenient Truth

I had to stop part-way through cos it was pissing me off.

For those who don't want to read the whole thing (though you should - and so should I), here are a couple highlights.

Remember that "consensus" of 200 scientists who concluded that "changes in the atmosphere, the oceans and glaciers and ice caps now show unequivocally that the world is warming due to human activities"? I'm sure you do, as it was widely publicized. Well, I'll bet you never heard of the 400 scientists who disagree.

Thats right. So, how is it that 200 scientists think one way, and 400 think another way, and yet the thoughts of the 200 (the minority) are considered to be the consensus? That is sheer idiocy.

Don't believe me? Read the report.

An here's another bit from the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change entitled Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate.

What's really sad is the treatment that very reputable scientists are receiving. Many are “'denied tenure, shut out of scientific conferences and rejected by academic journals because no matter how scrupulous their research,' their conclusions contradicted the truth espoused by the climate change pharisees (
National Post, March 10)."

Another interesting tidbit:

"One Canadian
survey of 51,000 earth scientists and engineers by the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA), released last week, showed that 68 percent disagreed with the statement that 'the debate on the scientific causes of recent climate change is settled.'”

Looks like Canada's good for something after all.

So don't believe the hype. Educate and think for yourself.


Erik Barnes said...

Quite frankly, I'd rather think more about resolving the economy rather than global warming. Why debate so much over a theory? How can we ensure a future to our children when most of us will have to resort to cannibalism because the American dollar is worth less than your earwax and gas is $70,000 (or 12 euros) a gallon.

Anonymous said...

Barnes . . . global warming is going to cause cannibalism too. Ted Turner said so. And he invented CNN. And the Atlanta Hawks. And Captain Planet.

And Tommy, I called PETA. You do exist.

Tommy said...

To be fair, my earwax is top notch.

And unfortunately, global warming and the economy are linked. Imposing energy taxes, penalties and limiting factory emissions (and therefore productivity) and the like are hardly good for business.

I still want to see the Captain Planet episode where he takes on global warming cannibals.

Andy said...

It's times like these where you have to ask, "What would your willie do?"

Tommy said...

Really? I have to? Well, alright.

Andy said...

Cunningham you prevert.