Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hypocrisy, thy name is Columnist

Almost Inauguration time. Makes me kinda sentimental. I remember when Bush was being re-inaugurated back in 2004. Oh, how Democrats complained about how expensive it was. Something like $42 million. Seemed like an expensive party, especially with all that was going on in the world. Natural disasters, epidemics, poverty and hunger all around the world, not to mention the war. All that money just being thrown away when it could be doing so much good. Many politicians and columnists were quite upset, even outraged. Some Democratic congressmen noted how past Presidents, in times of war and other hardship, scaled back the celebration dramatically out of good taste. And I suppose I understand what they were saying.

Obama's Inauguration is costing more than three times that amount ($150 million). Our economy is even worse now. We're still at war. People around the world are still poor and starving. And no one is saying a damn word.


Serenity said...

Completely ridiculous.

Anonymous said... are. (And I thank you for it.)

Tommy said...

You are quite welcome.

And can you mail alcohol? I'm told you can't.