Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Update to previous post

So it looks like the final price tag for Obama's inauguration was $170 million, not $150 million. That puts it at over four times as expensive as Bush's, not three.

Personally, I thought that it did a poor job of living up to the hype. His speech was supposed to be like no inauguration speech we have heard before. In a way, I guess that's correct, but not how they intended it. It wasn't really like an inauguration speech, but more like another one of his campaign speeches.

But that's just my opinion. I haven't really seen many inaugurations. This was only my second, actually. The first was Clinton's back in '92. We watched it at my elementary school. I had to run laps at recess the next day because I yawned during his speech (sure, it was on purpose and in a mocking way, but still).

But then there was the benediction delivered by Rev. Joseph Lowery. It was, well, I'll just let you read:

"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen."

What decade is this guy still in? And why is it that "white" is the only group that must still "embrace what is right"? Didn't we prove already, by electing a black man to be President, that we do that? I thought that was the idea. Oh, well.

He should tell Miami University that it's ok to call American Indians "red" again, so they can go back to being the Redskins. Being a minority himself, he is apparently allowed to decide what all minorities can be called without being offended.

Well, congrats, Barry. Don't screw the pooch.


Andy said...

I miss Dick.
Btw, did you see how him and HW dressed today? Awesome!

Serenity said...

He didn't really pray that, did he? That's like "Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub" and other rhyming prayers.

Tommy said...

I'm sorry to say, but he seriously prayed that.

Andy said...

You forgot to include the part about the yellow being mellow.

Andy said...

Nope, not a media bias against Bush....not at all....nope, doesn't exist....Righty's just paranoid is all.

Tommy said...

The yellow part was left out of the quote I lifted, for some reason.

Anonymous said...

I dub thee, Quote-Lifter! Now, if only I can find a Sneak-Looker...

Tommy said...

As long as there's always a far-parker when we need one.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a name for your beer yet?

Tommy said...

I do not. I was kinda hoping for more suggestions...(that's your cue, people)