Monday, July 21, 2008

Do I look like I have a plan?

Alright, folks. You, the people, have spoken (a few of you, anyway). The new poll question has been decided and is now up for you to voice your opinion. So get to it. You have til Friday night. Enjoy!

Meanwhile, I saw The Dark Knight this weekend. Twice. It's that freakin awesome. Like Batman Begins, and to an even greater degree, it really transcends the "Comic Book Movie" genre to just being a great movie. As far as Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker, I agree that it's Oscar-worthy and career-defining. Never before have I simultaneously greatly anticipated and greatly dreaded a character's next on-screen appearance so much. My only issue with all of the praise that Ledger has received is that it takes away from focusing on how spectacular the writing was, as well. A great performance is only worth anything if it is a performance of great material. The Joker was truly a team effort. The way that they treated his character was brilliant. So I hope the writers and director get credit, as well. But still, you can't say enough about Ledger.

So there's my take on it. Sure, it's no Barnes at the Movies, but what is?


Anonymous said...

Biily Dee!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the plug. I also say Billy Dee Williams...or my write-in vote of Carl Weathers.

Andy said...

Smart Cars can't turn left.

Seems some people voting in your latest poll haven't been paying you enough attention