Thursday, May 24, 2007

And now for something completely different.

Time for a non-political post.

I've had really bad gas almost all day.

Methinks it was because of my new creation: yogurt oatmeal, or oatmeal yogurt. Haven't decided. Tasted good, anyway.

I decided to add a little something fun on this blog. I'm going to have a featured link over on the left. Maybe anew one every week, maybe not. We'll see. Just a chance for you to see what websites I found interesting at the time.



Anonymous said...

Sorry about the gas...or is it "the bloat"? In any case, I dig the new blog. Keep it up and I'll keep making remarks. I like Huckabee and Giuliani. I'm also digging Bill Richardson. I've got nothing against Obama, but nothing for him. I can't stand Clinton. Mitt Romney does look like a regular candidate, but (just an impression, I don't know his politics well enough to judge) his smile and appreciation of L. Ron Hubbard novels creep me out. Seriously, when I see him smile, it looks like he's saying "Buy some Wonderbread and mayo, today." I still like McCain, but I understand why others don't. Since I never get what I want politically, I'll continue to vote my write-in candidate: Cookie Monster.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry about the oatmeal misadventure. Maybe you are lactose intolerant. Now that I'm in nursing school I can make diagnosises like that and you have to listen to me!