Saturday, August 23, 2008


So, you're probably thinking to yourself, "He's posting videos about Ohio State, so where's the famous defense?"

I'll tell you where. Here. That's where.

One of my favourite linebackers was Andy Katzenmoyer (at least his first couple years). And this is one of my favourite hits of his. The game was against Missouri. Their quarterback was Korby Jones, and he liked to run. At least, that is, until this happened...

That's "The Big Kat" for ya.

I know, there was no sound, but I couldn't find a video of this that did have sound. So, I know you feel ripped off. But fear not! I anticipated that, so I included another great hit. And with sound!

This one is more recent. Indiana is returning a kickoff, and then Brian Hartline comes down and, well, you'll see...

Haha. He's limping.

Oh, and did I mention that Hartline is a wide receiver?


Andy said...


Tommy said...

You're welcome.